Wednesday, August 5, 2009


So, today I officially joined twitter.
Suprise suprise, these websites NAB people so quick and become so popular so fast.
I honestly don't know how. But the whole twitter phenomenom hasn't really hit my city yet. I don't really know anybody around where I live who actually has twitter. But then again, I always tend to join things before everyone else around here does.
Back when myspace was popular I joined way before everyone else. Everyone was like myspace thats gay. Cause they all rocked Haha, then facebook I joined before alot of everyone else did. Just a matter of time before everyone is tweeting on twitter. Ah well, I don't think I grasp the conscept very much. Oh and speaking of which about websites.

If anyone happens to read this and has herd about you guys should definately check it out. Its one of my favourite websites. Definately good for showing your creativity. You can write blogs, poems. song lyrics, stories and make quizes. Good stuff. My user name is Kayla Dolan in anyone one of you want to check it out. I'm in the process of making two stories.
One thats kinda based on One Tree Hill. And another that is completely my creative genius-ness. Its about this boarding school. I'm just getting started on it =)

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