Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Busy Busy Summer

Wow, so has this week ever been busy.
Friday and saturday I partied with one of my really close friends.
Whom I sort of had a fling with a little while ago.
Don't get me wrong, I Fstill have feelings for him. But I'm just trying to be his 'friend' and not anything else. But the night got kind of crazy. So sunday, I spent the day swimming at thee boyfriends and then going out to dinner at my grandparents house. Monday I had to work allday. Yesturday, was my lazy day, which i definately needed. Today I gotta get ready and leave for a BBQ soon, and then babysit my 10 year old cousin all night. Joy.
Tomorrow after the kid leaves I have plans to smoke weed with my friend katie, and then later that night drink with my friend stephanie, and end up sleeping at her home. Friday I have more drinking and smoking plans, but malling and going to bowling as well till about 1:00 in the morning. I'm unsure of my plans after that.

Blah, so yesturday I tried to make a post but for some reason it wasn't working properly.
So, yeah :D I don't know when I''ll get a free moment this week probably saturday morning before I go baby sit.

Love and kisses ,
kayla :)

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