Tuesday, October 6, 2009


So today was a pretty good day in general.
Although I am not to happy about the freezing cold weather.
Ever year it seems to get colder and colder during the winter.
It's only the beginning of October, why is it so cold?
This makes Canadian stereotypes about our weather seem so true.
Today I went to the football game, I made a bad mistake of wearing short shorts.
It poured rain and was freezing cold.
But we won, finally we never win cause we are a very terrible team.
None of the guys have any dicipline.

I was watching 90210 earlier
Oh man , When I first found out they were remaking 90210 I was so angry.
I said "I am never going to start watching that." But I did, and I'M ADDICTED TO IT.
Embarressing I know, It's my guilty pleasure.

I'm really hungry, I burnt off alot of calories from working out earlier but i didn't eat after.
Totally regretting that, because it isn't healthy to eat after 7pm and in my time zone it is officially 10:40pm.
So no food for kayla-rose.

So I'm just going to sleep instead which is a suprise suprise since I rarely sleep.
But I'm in much need of catching up on some Z's.

Goodnight =)

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